Grauer Photo Contest - Nature, 2nd Quarter

Nature,1*Cliché Daisy Picture*daisy is love, daisy is life
Nature,2*Crystallized *A fruit fly got stuck in a sodium chloride crystal. The students of period 1 chemistry had the great idea to check it out under a microscope! 
Nature,3*Evening Flower*The sun was just setting and the light hit the top of this flower perfectly.
Nature,4*Botanical Gardens *Photo club at the BG 
Nature,5*Different Colors*The colors of fall are beginning to shine.
Nature,6*Royal Cape Flowers*Royal cape plumbago flowers on a bush by Lake Hodges. 
Nature,7*Scarlet*This is a picture of a hummingbird outside my house with some lucky timing.
Nature,8*A New Light*Some tree stumps in my backyard.
Nature,9*Banded Garden Spider*A spider that was on the tennis net. 
Nature,10*leaves changing*leaves changing just in time for fall!
Nature,11*green*Hands holding succulents
Nature,12*Nature's Palm*This picture represents a tree shaped like a hand, with its five branches for fingers.
Nature,13*Flowers*Some pretty chrysanthemums 
Nature,14*Succulents *Succulents in my yard
Nature,15*My Backyard*This is a picture of my backyard, facing towards the right neighbor's yard.
Nature,16*The cave *When you look out at something beautiful 
Nature,17*White Plant*I took a picture of a pretty plant in my backyard.
Nature,18*the mushroom of doom*a mushroom in grass taken at Cardiff school.
Nature,19*Reflection*The sun sets over the Del Mar lagoon.
Nature,20*Nature*Picture of sunset + trees. 
Nature,21*Swan*a swan on a lake
Nature,22*Sunset*It's a picture of a sunset.
Nature,24*Boats*This is a picture of a boat on the water in Greece. 
Nature,25*Power of Nature*It is the power of nature.
Nature,26*A Stroll on Simon*Trail riding around Rancho Santa Fe on the almighty trail horse Simon
Nature,27*A Cuban Artist's View*View from cuban artist Lester Campa's studio in his house
Nature,28*Wonder of Nature*Huge Cliffs on the cost of Hawaii!
Nature,29*Butterfly*T'is a butterfly. 
Nature,30*Orange flower*Orange flower in Solana Beach
Nature,31*Power of Nature *The cliffs on the Coast of Hawaii
Nature,32*The Moon*A shot of the moon
Nature,33*Palms*Reflection of palm trees along the coast
Nature,34*Fishy*Fishies swimming in a pond
Nature,35*Orange Flower*I took a picture of an orangish/red flower in my backyard.
Nature,36*Nature in a blur*Zoomed in leaf
Nature,37*Strange Family Pictures - Nature Hamburger*My wonderful dad not realizing I was taking a picture while he was eating a hamburger.
Nature,38*Yosemite *Another picture of Half Dome in Yosemite. 
Nature,39*Pengu*noot noot
Nature,40*The school*one of the trees over by the steps
Nature,41*Flowers*A flower with a white backdrop
Nature,42*Waves on Kauai*Waves crashing against rocks.
Nature,43*Plants!*This is really cool!
Nature,44*La Jolla*Clear water at La Jolla cove.
Nature,45*Dandle in Distress*ThErE IS a dAndeLiOn thAt aPpeArs tO be dYiNg
Nature,46*Just a hill*A hellish hill from hilland to share the hilltastic memories of other hills. It's a hill.
Nature,47*Floating*Water Lettuces floating on the school pond.
Nature,48*Not so Natural Overlook*Also at LMU
Nature,49*Clouds*This is a picture of clouds that I took on the way to Huntington Beach.
Nature,50*Tree*my tree